Do I have a right to be upset..

**long post**

Okay my husband has been in the National Gaurd Army for 5 years. When we first met and started dating (3 yrs ago) he would tell me where he was going, what the closest town was etc. I never asked for the information he would just give it to me, and I never asked for his location. Well he has been sent to A town near Syracuse, NY (March 3rd to July 3rd) up by the water front (so he says) I thought he was going up to work in the hospital (he just graduated from EMT school, from the army) because that's what he said he would be doing and once my husband was up in NY for X amount of days he, now tells me he was never at a hospital, he's at an old folks home and that I'm not remembering things correctly. Which is fine but weird he didn't really tell me where he was. then he has now randomly stopped messaging me throughout the day, It went from talking every hour to one check in a day. I get he can be busy but he works 6 a.m to 6 p.m (I work 8:00 a.m to 5 pm and still check in) and I know that's a lot but I don't get why during his lunch break he isn't talking to me or just giving me an update! Well he said he got off work today from 6 a.m to 1:30 p.m he texted me saying "I'm going to the movies, got out early from work" I told him "that's great! I hope you have fun, do you need any $?" And he hasn't replied since. He saw my message but that's it. It is now 11 p.m and I haven't heard from him. I'm starting to wonder what's going on. His communication skills have dropped ALOT and we were talking to a marriage counselor about communication being a big key in fixing our marriage but it's a no go... Do I have a right to be upset?

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