At 2 am my water broke in the bed

At 2 am my water broke in the bed!! It came gushing out! We immediately packed and made our way to the hospital! I was 3cm diAlated and fully effaced when I arrived! The contractions started getting really tough and was the worst pain I'd ever felt.. I felt it mostly in my back and lower stomach! Thankfully at 7am I was 5cm and got the epidural which is a God send!! Then it was a waiting game! At 11 am I was 8cm and by 12:15 I was ready to push!! I pushed through two contractions and within 8 min he was here!! He weighed 7.3 and length 19.5.. He's considered premature since I had him at 36.3 weeks.. But I couldn't be happier and prouder of my body for completing such a task. And the love for him couldnt be stronger.