My husband is an alcoholic…

Just wondering if anyone else has any experience with an alcoholic spouse. My husband was sober the past year after making some poor decisions and coming to realization he can’t drink. The past few months have been rough and I have a toddler and baby due in sept. About 3 weeks ago he started sober life journey again with AA meetings and met with an addictionoligist today to get on meds etc. anyhow it triggered him and he made the decision to get drunk today…but the worst part is he picked our son up from daycare knowing he had drank. I’m sick to my stomach and just really not sure where to go from here. :( I always told myself my breaking point would be if he put my kid(s) in danger like he did today but I can’t fathom divorce or being a single mom even though I feel like I have been one the past few months. Ugh.