Low LH, low Prog, on 50 mg of clomid but normally ovulate w/o. What's going on?

So this month I tried clomid 50mg for the first time (cd 4-8). I got a positive ovulation test on the morning of cd 15 but when I went to have my LH tested that evening,  it was low. Fast forward, I went for a progesterone test on cd 22 and my level is only 3.47 (should be above 15) which makes my doctor think I didn't ovulate. 
The past 2 months have been ridiculously stressful but I usually ovulate w/o clomid (confirmed the month before by ultrasound) so it seems odd that my cycle is so off. Has anyone else had something similar? The doctor suggested clomid to "strengthen" ovulation because my luteal phase is short at around 11 days. 
 Any ideas ladies? Thoroughly confused and concerned.