Potty training tips for those of you who are a second time mom/have done this before.


My daughter has been peeing on the potty (when she feels like it since she was 17months) she is now 2. Still just peeing on it when she feels like it. She knows when she needs too pee and she also tells me when she is going to poop but before I can get her their she already starts the pooping process. We have another baby coming in November. Please help give me tips to get her potty trained by then. She’s highly intelligent and she knows but just doesn’t want too. I don’t believe in letting kids decide to use the potty that method had some of my preschoolers who were about to go to kindergarten still in diapers at the age of 5. Which too me is ridiculous. I understand it will take time but she needs to be potty trained by age 3. And I’m sure she will still have accidents I just want her to get it and make it feel more important too her.

I can’t have her wearing diapers and going to kindergarten. Lol (she has awhile until then but I’m so scared of that).

Thanks for tips/help! 😊