Venting. 😞


Hi ladies, I don’t know if this is allowed but I needed somewhere to vent a little.

I am currently 20wks 5dys according to GA, I’ve been getting cervical length check ultrasounds about every two weeks. I get them due to previous history of a short and funneling cervix. They also give me peaks of our little girl as well, the last ultrasound at my obgyn’s office went smoothly. I was told my cervix has been measuring great and no funneling! The doctor stated that the cervix length ultrasounds would minimize due to my cervix being healthy which I’m so grateful for.

Fast forward to today, I was sent to have a level two ultrasound. The tech did all of the measuring and said baby girl looked healthy, nothing out of the ordinary was spotted. I then met with the doctor and she did her own assessment, she basically said my little one is underweight and measuring in the 12th percentile(313 grams and 11 ounces). She moved on from that after telling me that I’ll be coming back for a follow up ultrasound then another one at 28 weeks, again at 34 weeks because I’m overweight and the little ones underweight.

She then starts to check on little ones face, she states that she has cleft lip. From my understanding, cleft lip can be detected at around 12-13 weeks(I could be wrong.) As previous stated, I’ve been seeing my little ones profile for a few weeks now and there hasn’t been any sign of cleft lip at all on any of the profiles. At 18 week cervix check, the ultrasound showed a clear profile of little one and it wasn’t detected. I had another check the week after at around 19+ weeks, same thing.. Nothing was detected on her profile. As this doctor keeps assessing, she finally came to the conclusion that my little ones hand was near her face and her fingers were in her mouth…

I’m upset with myself for being overweight and possibly giving birth to another underweight baby 😞