Anxiety targeting sex life


Hello, so in the fall I had a major anxiety block and had to overcome probably the worst anxiety blood j I had ever had. In January I did overcome it, but now my anxiety is targeting the fear of becoming pregnant. Every month I get my period, never miss a pill of my birth control, so I know I’m fine. Well early this week I had some weird spotting. I usually don’t spot before my period due to my bc but sometimes I do. It was very light, like bloody discharge, and today it happened again. And then after my boyfriend and I had sex tonight I was bleeding a little, just like how I had explained before. Obviously I’m scared I’m gonna be pregnant and my stomach has been off this week as well, from a common bug going around. I just need some reassurance that all these things are normal and that I shouldn’t be nervous about anything unless I had clear evident signs.

Thank you
