Pituitary gland tumor

Hi everyone i have a question for someone that can actually help me. I've googled about all i can on this topic but still have questions. Well about two years ago i was having horrible headaches that i knew weren't normal and my periods were extremely irregular so i went to my doctors for a check up. Well she found out that i had a tumor in my pituitary gland located on my brain. Apparently i was born with it too. If anyone is wondering what the pituitary gland is well its what controls your hormones. I no longer have health insurance so i was unable to see the rest of my specialist. But they did mention that there is a possibility that i am not able to have children. I'm not planning in having children anytime soon though but the thought of that stupid tumor making me barren just sickens me. So my question is if anyone knows someone that was still able to have babies that had a pituitary gland tumor?