IVF starting new cycle advice

Vanilla • Play the glad game😄

Hello ladies 😊 I'm thinking very hard about starting a new cycle. I have just started my period so I need to decide quickly to start taking my medication. I was going to wait until next month, but these baby dreams 😅 it's torture just dreaming about having a little bundle of joy. So I thought I would at least give this month some serious thought. My last cycle unfortunately ended up as a miscarriage. I just need some extra advice whether I should do it this month or next month. I'm still new at this. I'm a teacher and next week is review week then the following week is exams. After that should be summer vacation. I am supposed to get weeks off for vacation. Despite what people might think being a Teacher is very stressful and hard exhausting work. What advice do you ladies have? Skip this month and do it during the summer vacation, or don't skip this month and do it now?