I take a long time to finish….


So it’s always taken me a bit to climax. I started taking Prozac and now it takes me pretty long. Unless I’m like really in the mood, all the conditions are right, or I’m using a vibrator it’s just a long time. And a lot of work. And it’s made me kind of nervous to be honest with men. I’ve always been so carefree but I think it was because I knew if he did this or that I would get there. But now I’m like scared to be honest like he’s going to find out and not want to do things with me because it’s just too much work. And also that he might resent that I have to take Prozac. Believe me I wish I didn’t have to but the way it has helped my life everywhere else is just unbelievably worth it. You’d have to imagine how much it helps me for me to say it was worth my ability to finish easily… I just don’t really know how to approach this. I’m single, it’s been about two years now and every time I finally am ready to have sex with a new guy, I find myself just faking it because idk what to do. In the moment I choke and don’t want to ruin the mood. Idk if this makes sense. Idk what to do I feel like I know I shouldn’t lie but I’m scared!!