
Hello all, so for the past 3 or so years ( I am 19 now), I have experienced facial hair on my side burns, jawline, chin, and slightly on my neck. I shave it, but it seems to not grow fast enough or visible to shave unless I’m about to get my period. Speaking of my period, mine is regular every month, around 5 days, heavy at the beginning, gradually gets lighter by the 5th day, and I experience cramps the first one or two days. I do not have trouble losing weight, and my hair isn’t thinning (not that I know of).

As far as ovulation, I feel all the symptoms of ovulation (my skin looks clearer, my sex drive is higher) etc. I just think it’s not as much discharge (egg-white) like mucus as I had about a year ago. I am not TTC, so I am not sure of my fertility status. So is it a possible case of PCOS or just high-levels of testosterone? Does any relate?