Leland Timothy's birth story! (Pretty long)

Jacinta • Pregnant with my rainbow baby boy ☺️💙👶🏽🌈 due December 27th 2015!
Was having contractions from 6:30 pm on Wednesday December 16th went to the hospital and was being monitored for 4 hours! I was making changes in my cervix but was only dilated to 2 cm, I was really thin and they could feel my water but it wasn't bulging so they gave me the option to go home to get comfortable and said I could come back if I started feeling worse, I accepted and they discharged me even though my contractions were still happening and were every 1-2 minutes! I tried to get comfortable and sleep at home but kept waking up to puke and try to use the bathroom! Was still having contractions and they seemed to be intensifying but since we lived 40 minutes from the hospital I didn't want to go back and then them tell me that I was still only 2 cm dilated so I tried to wait it out as much as I could! By 6:30 am on Thursday December 17th I decided to try to take a warm bath to take the pain away but as soon as I sat down in the tub I felt a pop and immediately stopped the water and drained it then went to the toilet! Sat down thinking I had to poop but ended up pushing and felt down low and it felt like I was opening up and next thing I know two more pushes and my sons head was coming out as I was sitting on the toilet! I yelled for my husband and he came running in as our sons head was coming out and he was so shocked and scared he didn't know what to do! My neighbor that lives upstairs from us heard me scream and came running downstairs, my husband let her in! My husband then called 911 and they came and transported me! My son was perfectly healthy and so was I! No stitches needed and we both got discharged from the hospital Friday afternoon! I didn't plan to have a natural birth or even at home birth but he's here, healthy and we are so in love! I had him 10 days before his due date (he wasn't due until the 27th) He was born at 6:54 am, weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 19.5 inches long! This is my crazy birth story! I know it's long but it was worth sharing! 🙂💙👶🏽