UPDATE! Hmm? Am I? What do you think?

Ally • "Keep it mellow" Marshmallow
Okay guys so a week or so ago I posted this 
And all you guys had no Idea! All was idk none was yes, or no. So here's an update On everything, so tell me what you think! I've still been sick off and on I've not thrown up at all. My boobs have gotten bigger, well swollen, my stomach keeps hurting (keep in mind im supposed so start my period soon) So I stopped worrying because my SO looked up side effects of the Plan B pill and mostly everything that was wrong with me was on the list! So automatically I stopped worrying but my SO not so much, he's still worried off the walls! This is what worry's me though... My grandmother was pregnant with my mom and had her period for the first 7 months of pregnancy so im still worried myself! I actually started my period today! Im happy but not all worry is gone😞 so do you guys think I should take a test after my period? Let me know what you guys think! Thanks guys! 

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