11 DPO - 2 FRER Tests. Any Guesses?


I know I’m testing early, I’m sorry, please don’t come for me. 🥲 I tested using a FRER this morning at 11 DPO and got a faint line (much more prominent in person). I tested again with the same FMU since I know FRER is bad with indents…same line, or close to I’d say. However, these were pulled from the same box so it’s hard to rule anything out. One seemed like it might have had some pink, but it was so faint I can’t be sure. *I wish you could see them better in pictures. We can see every rock on the moon in pictures but not a line on a test. 🤣

Any guesses? I will retest either in the morning or the day after, but I’m interested in seeing feedback from someone not me. 😂

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