Hazel Rose made her way into the world!

👪#Cerebral Palsy Mom🌹💍
First of all, i was due on jan 12th! On oct 29th, i decided to go to L&D because i had a crampy feeling for 3 days that just wasnt going away. Well when the docs checkek me, i was 3 cm dialated and part of my amniotic sac was coming out. I was admitted right away. Doctors said i wasnt leaving the hospital until my baby was born. On Nov 5th, i started laboring. They checked me again, i was at 5 cm. I got no pain meds because the doctor didnt think i was having "real" contractions because i told her that i was feeling them right above my pubic area. She said women dont get contractions there. So there i lay in pain. Well night time came and i started laboring in my back as well (which was pure hell , i shed a few tears from the pain). On nov 7th about 5am, they check me again and im 7cm. At 0656 am on nov 7th, hazel rose was born 100% natural with no medications! Being 9 week and 3 days early, they rushed her down to the nicu. She was a tiny 3lbs 8.1 oz, 16 1/4 inches long. After a very long stay (41 longgggg days), hazel finally got to come home on dec 18th weighing 5lbs 10 oz!