birth control after birth


i’m on baby number 4 and i don’t plan to have any more any time soon. but don’t want my tubes tied just yet. i’m only 26 i may have 1 more who knows lol. anyway i’m on the hunt for good birth control. i told my doctor i do not wanna stop my period. i want the bodily cleanse every month. but i also don’t wanna gain weight. or for my face to break out or hair to fall out or the headaches i deal with them enough now. so basically some with low hormones or no hormones. i’m scared of the iud cause they move i’ve heard many horror stories. the implant in your arm gets lost. i’ve heard stories on that as well. and then google says i’m too overweight for the patch (371 pounds) 🤦🏽‍♀️ definitely a absolute no for the depo shot. and abstinence won’t work for me either lol. idk what else to do. any advice ladies.