HCG levels drop after mc?


Hi all. I was 4w 5d pregnant with my little one and started bleeding heavily with clots. It’s safe to say I have had a miscarriage (in my country they don’t do anything for it unless you are further along and you have had your first ultrasound.) I bled for 3 days. I have 2 previous miscarriages before this one and with those both my levels were back to negatives on pregnancy tests within 2 or 3 days. I am a week since I started miscarrying and I still am testing positive this morning but I really want to be able to ovulate next week and try again. I know I read somewhere that it takes 4-9 weeks for hcg to go to zero after a mc. Just looking for some guidance and comfort. We were gonna announce our pregnancy when we got married next month and all of our family was coming in person! It just sucks.