Rant for the night

Sabrina • I`m 30 years old I have an amazing husband that i wouldnt kno what to do without. Then i have a 10 year old daughter she`s is the best ever, even with her temper haha. And i have my crazy 5 year old son that keeps me on my toes☺.
Before u read im sorry for the language i don't kno how many can relate probaby 0 but I'm just so fustrated to where I'm about the flip the Fuck out.. yes I still live at home atm till we can get financially stable. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I currently live with my mom and dad, my two younger sisters which both have their boyfriends/fiance plus my 4 year old daughter and my fiance and I'm expecting my Lil man Feb 6th. Now my parents have their own bathroom and I have to share a bathroom with the other 6 people in the house.. well tonight I gave my daughter a bath before school tomorrow and my youngest sister (I don't get along with her boyfriend at all I can't stand I'm what so ever. He's a dick). One day my daughter who is 4 hand to use the bathroom really bad and he was in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower and had to shave but he couldn't leave the bathroom for a minute to let my daughter use it.. (pisses me off so bad I flipped out, out side the bathroom saying u can't expect a 4 y.o to hold it) so I grab toilet paper from the hallway and took her outside bc I couldn't see her holding it in( we live in the country so we don't really have neighbors besides family ) well tonight like I said was giving my daughter a bath he comes out and sees us in there and then goes back in the bedroom and starts throwing a baby fit bc he had to use the bathroom so my sister comes out and says something to my mom and had the nerve to call me a Cunt .. like really now u want to call me that he's a fucking man he can go out side and pee on a fucking tree who the hell is he afraid of seeing him the fucking cats bc that's all that will be able to see him especially being night time. I just wish he could grow the fuck up and be a man instead of a baby.. for goodness sakes my other younger sisters fiance will let my daughter come in the bathroom if him and my sister are in the shower and she can't see him but my other sisters has to be a dick and make a 4 y.o go outside like he's such a piece of shit I can't wait for him to have kids bc he will be the worst father ever. . End of rant