I feel alone-how to make friends as an adult?


Hi everyone, how’s it going? I’m 27 years old, I live with my mum and I feel alone. I’m in a really good place financially, I have a stable job and I do have friends but all are married with kids and I probably meet with them a couple of times a year.

I’m a quiet person by nature and I’m reserved but I try to be open when talking to people however I’m really struggling to meet anyone. Saying that I’m not actively trying to go out my way to meet people, I’m too nervous to.

The people I work with, work in different offices and so we largely work from home. So I’m practically at home all the time, I was considering applying for a second part time job just to get me out the house and build my confidence up to talk to people again. I did look at clubs I could join but because I live in a retirement area there’s not many people my age.

I’m tired of feeling alone and not having anyone to turn to when I want to hang out with someone. I wasted the past 5 years trying to make memories with my existing friends when they already moved on with their lives and they don’t have time for me. I’m coming to my late 20s and I haven’t even experienced half the things that most 20s do, like attend concerts, festivals or go abroad. I haven’t done any of that and it depresses me because I want to be surrounded by people that want to do it with me, you know. I don’t have any stories to share with anyone because I haven’t experienced anything, I’ve wasted so many years doing nothing and now I’m desperate to enjoy my life but I need friends.