Going down on

I only recently had my boyfriend go down on me, and I think it feels great. But he didn't do it for long. He has told me he doesn't really know how to do it down there with his mouth, since it's his first time as well as mine, and I had been holding it off because God I am insecure about down there, just looking at it let alone having someone's mouth on it. So I don't know if it's because he doesn't know what to do, which I feel like he is already doing a really good job, or if it's because of something down there, like if there is something wrong. I don't think it smells bad, it doesn't have a gross smell, it smells like a neautral smell, but I don't know how they are supposed to smell, and I don't know how an average one looks like either. I mean I know everyone is different. But does anyone else feel very insecure about their down there? And do you think it's just because he doesn't know what to do or is it me?