Baby not exposed to other babies

How many of you have babies that haven’t been exposed to other kids / babies?

I feel awful but our almost 10 month old really hasn’t been around other kids or babies. Maybe once or twice in her life.

I was very sick after having her and didn’t leave the house other than to go to doctors appointments for the first 6 months and then I went back to work.

We live far from the few friends we do have with kids.

I know I’m going to sound paranoid here but I also read an article saying there is some reason to believe children who don’t have their immune systems “primed” in the first year of life by being around other kids can be more susceptible to illnesses like leukemia and it made me sick to my stomach.

Is anyone else in a similar position? Our baby also does not go to daycare since our families have been helping support childcare. 😕