What would you do?


Hello moms,

So we are expecting our second in august! We have 4 bedrooms, all on second level. Currently my sons room is right across from ours but I bedshare with him in his room. Please don’t judge, I Iove it and wouldn’t change a thing. Comes August, he will sleep with my husband in his room and we will slowly train him to sleep by himself. I will be in our bedroom with my newborn but she will be in her crib. I’m thinking she will be in my room until she’s 6 months and then I will transition her into her own room. So we were thinking that we might have to move my son into a room down the hallway and make the room

Across from our room his sisters room since she will be younger and it’ll be easier for us to hear her at night. But the thought of this makes me sad because I don’t want to have to switch my Sons room and move him farther from our room. Is it normal to feel this way or am I being too emotional? Lol. What would you do?