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Taylor • Hi my names Taylor and my husbands name is Kyle, we’ve been together 12 years now and married 5 years this July. I want to be a mom more than anything. We've been ttc for 9 years now. I have PCOS and endometriosis. I'm a pretty easy person to get along wi

TMI AHEAD. So for the past 2 days now I've just been having light brown to dark discharge. It started out really lite pink when I first wiped and noticed it. It's 2-3 days before my period according to glow but this has never happened before. Usually when I see brown discharge I see blood shortly after. I'm not cramping at all but I was 2 days prior to when the discharge started. My boobs are a little sore but nothing too crazy. I did have bloating for a couple days but that's usually normal for me. I took a pregnancy test this morning but it was negative. So I'm thinking maybe if it is implantation bleeding then i probably wouldn't have a positive pregnancy test yet. I don't know it's all just strange to me. I do have PCOS and endometriosis so I don't know if that might be why too. My period is probably just acting weird this month but I wanted to what see what other people thought of the situation.

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