MIL rant

we went to the park today with my inlaws and as per usual my mother in law was overly possessive of my son. She ripped him out of my arms immediately before we even had a chance to put anything down and basically wouldnt let anyone else hold him the entire time. My SIL left crying because EVERY family gathering my MIL is like this. My son is 5 months and i think my SIL has only held him twice since he was born even though she has been at all family get togethers. She immediately took him to the swings and i asked her to please not swing him hard because he had recently fallen off the couch and hit his head so we were still monitoring for any symptoms of a head injury. Her response was " hes fine. Hed have a big wound on his head if he wasnt fine" and then completely ignored what i asked.

My son was enjoying the baby swing and she took him out and put him on her lap to swing. She also took his hat off in direct sunlight. My husband asked her to put it back on and she did. While they were swinging, my 11 year old Niece asked to hold him in front of my MIL. I said yes but id prefer if she held him sitting down because my son is pretty heavy. She agreed so we went and found some shade and layed out a blanket and some toys. All whilst my MIL still had him on the swing. We were waiting for her to bring him but i had to go get her and say that my Niece would like a chance to hold him.

2 minutes after my MIL gave my son to my niece, my MIL took him back out of her arms. Same thing happened when my BIL asked to hold him. My MIL gave my son to him for 2 minutes and then took him back. My husband even said " mom you have to let other people hold him"

My MIL also keeps arguing with me over my sons milestones. She placed him in to sitting position and i told her he is still practicing rolling and isnt stable sitting. She looked me in the eye and said "looks like hes sitting to me"

And the cherry on top is that when we were leaving i took him from her and she reached and grabbed him out of my arms again. My husband then took him from her and she followed us to our car, got inside of the car and got all up in his face while we were trying to get him in to the car seat. She then asked if we could buy another base to put in her car and we just ignored her.

I left crying, my SIL left crying, some serious boundaries need to be set.