Amino acid formula


So I have had problems with my little girls tummy after eating since she was born (she’s not 3 months) they think she has a cows milk allergy and was eventually put on Nitramigen, although she is a little better, she’s still in pain with her tummy, not drawing her knees up now but flapping her legs about and her arms, she was diagnosed with reflux when she was 5 weeks, gaviscon didn’t work but the milk thickener did, but only as she’s not bringing up the milk anymore, I think she still has acid in her tummy and gut, her little bum looks burnt everytime she poops, which is only once a day, but it’s so sore not normal nappy rash, I spoke with her dietitian this morning and they said they will get her doctor to prescribe an amino acid formula, has anyone got any experience with this formula, will it help with the acid in her tummy?