No allowed to go

My husband and I stopped going to our old church last fall because my husband didn’t agree with our Pastor’s different view on the rapture.

Today I hung out with my friend who happens to be the Pastor’s wife. Our kids got to play together outside. Her and I had been meaning to get together but during the winter it was tough and colds/illnesses with the little ones. Well life. Lol.

She said that she missed seeing us and invented us to a cookout/BBQ that the church was having. It’s being held at a park and it’s not a members only event. She said it would be great for everyone to see my daughter and how big she’s gotten. I do miss everyone and it would be great seeing them.

When I got home I told my husband. He said he doesn’t want to associate with that church because of the disagreement. I told him that it wasn’t a church only event but for just people from the community. It would be nice to see our friends. He still said no. Even when I told him it would be at a park. He said if it was at the Pastor’s house that would be different.

This annoys me so much because it’s just a stupid picnic with burgers and hotdogs. Something fun to do and for our daughter to see KIDS. She never gets to see other kids her age (she’s 1). My husband is disappointed in me because I see nothing wrong with going.