Opinions on period??


Last month my period came a week late, literally 7 days!

Then 8-9 days after my period had ended, I noticed when wiping I had very little pink/light brown spotting. (This happened twice- two diff days)

Fast forward to this month, my period was due Monday & it is now Thursday and have gotten no period yet!

I guess my concern is, could that spotting have been implantation 8-9 days after my period ended? I’m super confused 😕 because my period is no more than 2-3 days late typically it comes around cycle day 31-33. (Today is now cycle day 34/35 I believe)

I am “3 days late”

Monday I felt fine when my period was actually due, then Tuesday & Wednesday I had some thigh aches and was achy inside as well as a few “twinges” of pain in the uterus as well as the right side near the ovary.

Everything kept feeling as if I was going to bleed shortly, but still haven’t….!

Unfortunately I’m going to camp this weekend for Memorial Day and was really hoping my period would be on time so it’d be ending this weekend to go swimming and everything. (I don’t use tampons for personal reasons)

This sucks 😒 what do you ladies think???

Also, what are some reasons a period would be late? (Don’t say stress or sleeping) I have a special needs 10m old so sleep and stress is always occurring lol. & my cycles are usually good with coming around on time.

Last month confused me a lot by being a week late!!! & now I’m late this month.