Being pregnant and dating

Someone had posted in another group (I can't remember where) about being pregnant and having sex with someone who's not the father if you're single... My comment has been the same... I was dumped 6 weeks pregnant the morning of my wedding four months ago... I still have half of a pregnancy to go... IF I meet a man who is worth mine AND my daughters time, I'm not just going to NOT date because I'm pregnant... Why would I shut people out... If they could love me or my child who isn't even theirs... That means a lot to me... Considering my situation. Granted I haven't found anyone who I'm ready to just go and be with... But if I meet someone at 7,8 months pregnant... I'm not just going to say "well I'm pregnant so I can't date"... My ex was very immature and just wasn't ready for marriage... He has stepped up quite a bit and really trying to be there for his daughter come May... We're honestly really good friends now. He has a new gf, that I'm waiting to meet and I'm slowly moving on and finding peace within myself... Anyways, there had been another comment that if you're pregnant and you sleep with someone else you're gross, a "whore" and being disrespectful to your child because you're "poking" your child with another mans penis... When I made my comment and how she didn't have to agree but she didn't have to be so hateful about she proceeded to call me a whore and tell me to keep my legs closed for 9 months and that if I'm going to have sex with someone else make sure it's a one night stand not someone who can be my child's stepdad. (Which I NEVER said I was sleeping around, I haven't even went out, met, spoke to another man in that way since my ex left). But my thing is, my ex slept with two girls in one weekend three weeks after he left... He's now dating this girl for like a month or so... He's gotten no ridicule, hate, or mean comments.. But IF I met someone who genuinely cares for me and my daughter I'm a whore who needs to keep her legs closed...
My question is... What are everyone's real opinions and thoughts to dating while pregnant... Not just sex but dating as a whole? I asked several of my friends this question when we first split up and I'm just looking for more than just an "uh idk"
Thanks y'all 😊