Tell me where I went wrong

School is out for my son his father my ex-husband has been stable for 2 years and now I felt comfortable with sending him away for the summer. I'm originally from Chicago I moved to Georgia his father lives in Aurora.

I had to move down here because my ex was doing drugs heavy and wasn't dependable. I was pregnant, in school and frequently in pain. I moved to Georgia to be closer to my mom and siblings, they'd moved down here a few years prior. My mom and I have a tumultuous relationship, always have. At the time I was naive still craving a relationship with my mom I spend a month here in Georgia my mom gets upset with her bf, takes it on me and kicks me out I was 9 mos pregnant. Fortunately I was living out my car for 4 days when I found an apartment. I was moved in by the weekend, gave birth a week and half later

I met my now husband a month later, my mom was cut off, after I got married I moved further Northeast of Georgia. My mom ended up moving back to Chicago

Basically I sent my son with his father, his dad had to go back to work so he needed a sitter my son was comfortable with. I gave him contacts of my son's godmother and my dad I never thought I'd have to tell him my mom wasn't allowed around him. My son's godmother, my first cousin, picked him up and decided took him to her house my mom over, my cousin starts cooking dinner calls my son to eat he's gone. My cousin was aware of my feelings but she was at her mom's house she had no control that. I'm not angry at her.

He ended up at my grandmother's house, he called me telling me my mom hurt his arm bc he didn't eat the watermelon he'd asked for. He also told me she was calling him a racial slur, my son is biracial, he didn't say racial slur he said what he'd been called FYI. I got here two days ago, found bruises on my son, my mom whooped my 5 year old with a belt something I've never done given that is what was done to me as a kid. I have charges pending and so does she, she wants me to drop my charge against her she'll do the same but I'm thinking I want this slap on wrist so that woman can be banned from my children. She took my child to her friends house, paraded him around like show pony and used racial slurs as cute pet names on live. I smiled in my mugshot!!! I'm so livid but the whole family is blaming me, gaslighting me!!!!