My son wasn’t invited to his brothers graduation


So my,idk what to call him, ex stepson 🤷🏻‍♀️ , graduated yesterday. I’ve been looking forward to it for a while, but unfortunately I was invited bc his dad and I are off and on right now but we are trying to work things out. I was hurt bc I’ve been apart of that boys life since he was 9. Anyways although I was hurt about that. I was even more hurt to know that my sons dad would not be picking him up to take him to his graduation. I know they took pictures and my son won’t be in any of them. That is his brother by blood. So his two sisters, dad, mom, grandparents, uncles will be apart of that memory except my son. I know he’s only 7 now and he doesn’t really know now but if he ever sees this pics he will wonder why he isn’t in them. Not only that, another thing that bothers me is that my ex mother in law hasn’t called to see how my son is doing hasn’t asked to see him or anything. But she goes to my stepkids moms house to pick up her granddaughter AND her granddaughters little sister who is not even her granddaughter, of course and she is the same age as my son, HER GRANDSON!!! And no one sees anything wrong with that? Am I wrong for being this upset? Like I’ve been crying so much. I feel like why even fix this relationship? I don’t feel like part of the family and my son is not being treated like he’s part of the family. It’s one thing to treat me this way I’m not related but my son is and I feel like he should be included in stuff like that.