How?! 😭💔


My good friend I’ve known 14 years, passed away suddenly back on December 20th 2021. He was getting ready for work at 5am, then has sudden cardiac arrest & basically drops dead. His girlfriend found him in the bathroom at 7am. It’s horrible & I feel for her so much. I just found out yesterday when I happened to check his FB feed since I hadn’t seen any posts for awhile. We both have families now & live in different states so naturally we just grew apart. We still kept in contact but not as much. He left behind his (then) 11 month old daughter 😪 Didn’t even get to celebrate her 1st bday or see her 1st steps. He just turned 38 a couple months prior. How does a healthy 38 year old man with zero health issues just drop dead like that?? All I can think is the Covid jab. I have no idea if he took it but I know his whole family did. They have their profile pictures with the “I got my Covid booster” up. Most likely he took it & I’m thinking this has to be what happened. So many as we know, have either died or developed heart issues after the jab. A woman’s husband dropped dead in front of her & their daughter after his shot. She posts all about it on Instagram. It’s so sad 😞 It’s not fair & I can’t believe I lost one of my oldest friends like this. I’m angry & heartbroken. If it was the jab, I’m praying his family connects the dots one day & I pray over his baby girl who now has to grow up without her Daddy.