Why don’t guys know this by now …

That you can hurt a women and TRY to break her down but remember something, why do they think that we won’t move on with our lives. Especially after there bullshit and they fuck up with every Women that ever came along. But when she’s ready to move on with her life that’s when he wants to act he’s some model perfect man when he really isn’t.

Like a women is still beautiful and loving after you tried to fuck her up emotionally, what makes you think she won’t move on to someone better then you. Like it’s really just fucking crazy a man will know you’re a good women and really try to break you down but for WHAT, try to fuck your life and energy up like his life is messed up.

I just wanted to vent this because sometimes I feel like I have a lot of pent up words that I keep in my mind after what my ex did to me for no reason. Just venting again thank you ♥️