Feeling hopples

So my children’s biological father that we live together was trying to call the cops on me today..

I was walking my oldest to school and as we’re crossing the street (both sides of traffic were stopped) the neighbor’s across the street driver (they have an autistic child that’s driven to/from school) . She pulled out of the drive way and made the turn stopping 2fl from us..we’re in the middle of the street crossing .. then started making gestures from inside the car with the window closed to me about being too slow or something (I’m 8+mo pregnant).. I was baffled all the other cars started honking at her and asking if we’re ok…

So when I come home I tell my so what transpired so he’d txt the neighbor (he’s seen/spoken to him and the two are supposed to go fishing together, I don’t have the guy’s number). I said let him know their driver is quite careless..

Instead of him being concerned about us he started yelling at me making our 4yo who was watching tv in the next room cry. He’s telling me he’s going to call the cops on me because I almost killed the kid!!! And he started to txt me because I left the room to tend to the kid crying reassuring her that daddy’s upset at mommy not her and he loves her..

I’m at a Marshall’s parking lot writing this I’m afraid to go home to him my anxiety’s up the roof… He’s blown this out of proportion calling the neighbors complaining, the neighbor called me apologizing.. hence this is my first contact with him they’ve moved in recently.. I’m so embarrassed.

He’s writing lies over text to use against me I’m sick to my stomach. I cross the street holding the child’s hand and with a flashing 🛑 handheld sign, never crossing unless all cars are stopped. He drives 90 on a 30 the kids buckle themselves he never checks , he has them in the pool w/o swimmers justifying it that he’s “right there”.. when he’s on his phone in the hot tub and tries to paint me as the careless parent 😞

*** Thank you 🖤 J 🖤 for understanding exactly the situation- To leave him means having all the other ppl like here, who will be manipulated by his words and turning the events around judging me as the “abuser”. He’s trying to make a case against me to kick me out of the house retrain the kids which he says “he’ll hire a Mexican to raise them” and me being foreign just that comment alone makes me freeze in place , I can never win with him he’s a sales guy a very convincing one!

Just the other day was 100F here and he’s in the pool chilling, I had to walk and pick up the kids from school- he never offered..bc “ he works from home” so he can’t be disturbed 8-6.. He’s a master manipulator, the rage attacks are normal to him and as I’m asking him to lower his tone bc he’s scaring the kids he screams at me louder saying “ stop yelling at me”.. it’s a jackel & Hyde situation I just don’t see a safe exit really. He will go from normal to psycho in a sec and you don’t know how to adapt or what really happened..