Little vent, I don't want him involved but is it right 😩

Judgement I except lol but I would like some unbiased feedback which is why I'm bringing this here. I'll try my best to keep it short & to the point.
I'm 26 & ftm & can't wait to meet my little boy I've been chosen to bring into this world 😊. At 16 I met my ex, we dated until I was 21. In that time I had gotten pregnant soon as I went to college & was basically forced to terminate then became pregnant again at 20 & terminated because I was unhappy in the relationship & knew neither of us were ready. I was unhappy because it came to light right before my 2nd pregnancy he had 2 children he basically hid from me. The first was when we 1st got together in hs & his 2nd was while I was away at school goin through my own pregnancy he had another girl pregnant. We broke up finally a few months after & I started a new relationship. "Jerry Springer" shocker the relationship I started was with a girl I knew frm childhood! We dated/lived together for 3 1/2 yrs. Broke up when I found out she cheated for a yr with someone else & decided she didn't want to be with me. To be fair I was not prefect in the relationship in the beginning even though I was done with my ex I did have sex with him still a few times. Fast forward...since our break up we have been on & off the these last 2 yrs. At the beginning of the summer she again did something completely hurtful to me so I "decided" I was done. For about the past yr my ex had been tryin to reach out to me & reconcile what he did when we were younger. Since I was "done" with my gf I finally gave in to my ex. We had sex 3 times & he began to tell me how he still loved me it turned me off because I don't have those feeling at all it was truly all about the sex for me. And now here we are today I'm due in March with a little boy. His third child but first boy! Because he was young & immature he missed and is still missing out on his 2 daughters lives but claims he wants to be in my sons life because this is his only boy. He has yet to make any real steps towards that I told him about items I still don't have for baby that was over a month ago still nothin. I feel like I shouldn't have to hold his hand if he want to be in his child's life & is trying to learn frm his past mistakes. My ex gf on the other hand while we still can't figure things out has been here with me the whole way. So much so she tells ppl she is having a son & doesn't want me to have anything to do with my ex but I know it's not right to keep my son from him if he wants to be there but like I stated he hasn't done anything I talk to him a few times a month & that's mostly if I text him first! My life changed the day I peed on the stick while he still acts oblivious to what's happening. Like I mentioned I told him about things I need because he works & im on unemployment which is close to ending & idk know what I'm goin to do I'm not used to not working and now I have to think about my baby all of which he knows. Is it fair I hold his hand & wait for him to step up?Â