Should I pay for my partner's gym membership?

Long story short:

My husband has a weed addiction. I don't know how much longer I can tolerate this. I've asked him several times to stop. I've cried. I've begged. I've yelled. I've asked for the sake of our 1.5 year old son to stop smoking weed and bringing it to the house. He keeps it separate from us in the sun room and smokes every time when we both (myself and son) go to sleep. Sometimes the smells cripples the way to the house, sometimes it doesn't. He prepares his joints in the sun room and goes out on walks at 11 PM at night and sometimes even later.

He deadass looked at me saying he's alone and doesn't know how to cope. The gym is his escape. He goes every day from 8 PM - 10 PM. Doesn't even comes home until 11 PM. He smokes before the gym and after the gym. He smokes during his lunch hour and after I go to sleep. I'm scared he's driving high while doing pick ups from daycare to home.

Today he asked me for money to pay for his gym membership. He has no money left. We have two stable incomes and he manages to stay below $10 EACH PAY CHECK. We have separate accounts since his spending habits are horrendous. I collect from his paycheck what I need to pay the bills and leave the rest for him to save and spending money. He never saves. He only spends on food and weed. He essentially told me magically came to a Realization of his actions. He swears he is swallowing his pride by asking me to pay for his gym membership. I asked him if it would be a good idea or if I would continue to enable him. He swears that it will help him but I'm unsure.

Should I pay for his gym membership? Why can't I love myself enough to just pack up my shit with my son and leave him?

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