My fiancé is pissing me off and pushing me away..I’m about to throw my hands up and say fuck it.

There have been times when I have poured my heart and soul out to him, just for him to sit there, blankly staring, in complete silence, or he will disregard what I’ve said and say something like “what do you think about doing this?”, or he will start scrolling through his phone, which hurts me so badly. I can’t even explain my anger and resentment at this point..Our conversations are always one-sided, and there is never an end result, understanding, agreement, anything of that sort, and I’m just done. It’s really taking a toll on my emotional health and well-being, but he just doesn’t seem to care. I just can’t do it anymore and I’m really thinking about just leaving. I feel like my feelings and wants and needs are not important to him. I’ve stressed this many of times, and all he says is “you’re important and you mean the world to me”, but those words don’t mean anything because there is no growth, nothing.

Edit: he does not have any type of attention disorder or anything similar. I’ve come to the conclusion that he just does not care and doesn’t want to “deal” with it all.