Any tips to help shorten my baby's nighttime routine


My 10 week old takes up to two hours to finally go down for bedtime which I usually start at about 9pm and then will be in a deep sleep by 11pm. if I try and put her down any sooner she wakes right up and is wide awake even longer than 11pm. I've tried to start her routine earlier than 9pm but it just doesn't work and I end up holding her for 3 hours or more. She is clearly tired when I start her bedtime and will fall asleep but then keep waking up to drink her bottle until shes drank about 5-6 ounces which will take her the 2 hours to do, basically I'm just sitting in a dark room with sound machine feeding her on and off for 2 hours until shes completely in a deep sleep, shes swaddled the whole time and will take her pacifier when shes not drinking her milk and her eyes are closed the whole time but if I try and lay her down before the 2 hours she wakes up. Is this just something babies do? what else could I do, im exhausted and need to get more rest before I go insane

I'd like to add that if i try and start her routine later she is fussy and crying until I get her swaddled and turn off the lights, it's like she wants me start bedtime but just wont go down till 2 hours later🤦🏼‍♀️