Body changes


Hi there you lovely bunch.

Haven't been on in a while as stopped actively trying but not preventing, way too much obsession and stress when trying.

I haven't been logging when we have been having sex this month but sex has been regular. Probably more so given we are just enjoying each other!

I also haven't tracked ovulation but the app is saying I am somewhere around 8 dpo.

Yesterday I had strange dull pulling pains in my abdomen, it was this that made me look at the app as it felt too soon to be due on my period and that's when I saw how far away from my period I am! (6 days away)

We had sex twice yesterday and both times it felt different. I felt so sensitive down there!

Has anyone had a sensitive feeling down below with intermittent pulling/tugging pains in their abdomen and being pregnant or am I just wishful thinking!?

Has anyone got any advice as to what could be making things feel different?

Note also, I haven't tested in a few months and don't even have any tests readily available to test if anyone was to urge me to!

Thank you for reading x