Share your “girls being girls” stories

My friends and I were talking about how all girls have this inner Tom boy personality that comes out of them when in an all female environment. Example, when you have a sleep over as a kid and the girl in your class who’s a super annoying girly girl who’s favourite word is “ew” but when she’s with all the girls eventually she comes out of the “girly” shell she was raised to hide behind and she ends up being the funniest one there cracking all the dirty jokes.

Guys always tell stories from when they were little with no shame because it’s “boys being boys” but as girls we don’t really tell those stories because we’re supposed to be know.. girls. So we can tell the story about when we all painted our nails white but have to leave out the part where so and so was making cum jokes about the nail polish.

So anyway we were sharing stories from when we were young about being GIRLS. And I don’t mean society’s made up version of a girl. I mean when our true personality came out and we were being ourselves. Just girls being girls. Share your stories!! I’ll share a few of mine.

So one time at a sleep over my friends mom gave us a bunch of glow sticks. All pink ones but there was only one blue. Nobody wanted the pink ones so everyone was fighting over the blue one. Then this one girl took the blue one and put it down her pants then pulled it out and was like “ha! Now it’s been in my vagina so no one wants to touch it!” I mean… it worked. We were about 11

When Me and my friend were like 6 we would piss in the middle of the road and then sit at the edge of the driveway and wait for cars to go by hoping to watch them slip in it🤦‍♀️ we were so dumb.

Also we used to wait for cars to go by then moon them 😂 #girlswillbegirls also one time we got caught flashing our nipples at the neighbor boys. They told on us lmao

At a birthday party we had a bunch of those long skinny balloons. We held them between our legs and pretended they were giant penises and had “penis sword fights” where you can’t use your hands. Age 12

This one I’m not proud of, me and my friend would “accidentally” walk into the mens change room at the public pool and then be like “oops I thought this was the girls room” and leave. we wanted to check out some weenies lmao. And of course related to that topic we would always try to peak in the boys bathrooms or push each other in while walking by.

And lastly my favourite. The “lift trick” I’ve seen people talk about this so many times on <a href="">eve</a> before. I didn’t know so many other girls grew up doing it. K so for those of you who don’t know, if you stand with your legs open, put your fingers on either side of your urethra and pull up and pee, your pee stream goes up really far and kind of arches like a rainbow. I’ve never been good at getting it to go up high but the harder you push the further it goes so I was really good at getting it to go super far. Any way me and my friends use to climb up to the roof of my one friends barn and have pissing contests off the room. One time we accidentally peed on her dog.

On that same topic my mine and my cousins favourite thing to do was pee in the camp fire to try to put it out.

Around age 12 when most of us were starting to grow boobs, in the locker room we would make ‘em bounce. Sort of like doing the helicopter but making them go up and down. We would laugh so hard while doing this idk why it was so funny.

And of course, something EVERYONE does, whacking each other in the boob. Especially growing up with sisters. I think it’s weird that guys hitting each other in the balls is so normalized but as girls we hide our version of that from public. What’s crazy is every one knows getting hit in the balls hurts guys. But there’s so many guys who don’t know boobs are a sensitive area. Like getting hit by a soccer ball in the boob and you say ow or crouch into fetal position sometimes boys are like “HoW DiD ThAt EvEn HuRt?? It hit you so lightly!” Like ummm because it hit my BOOB?