Baby Shower! :D

Erin • Oklahoma Doula (@douluxebirthservices) Jacob Russell 8.5.22 💜

I thought I would share some pictures of the baby shower my aunt and cousin threw for me this past weekend! I was and am absolutely overwhelmed with gratitude at the generosity of people! We had a great turn out and it was wonderful to get to see family and friends from both mine and my husband’s family. 🥰🥰

Our nursery theme is woodland and I have an weird love/obsession with moose. I was stunned at how well done everything was and how detailed my cousin got everything!

This was a swaddling blanket my cousin had made for me. Fun story - I had asked her about a month ago where she got hers (she uses one as a background for all her daughter’s monthly pictures). She gave me a vague “Oh, someone got it for me from my baby shower… I don’t remember who, sorry.” Turns out her SIL makes them and she’d already bought this for me and was panicking 😅

Please excuse my fuzzy hair 🤦🏻‍♀️ This was the gorgeous quilt my aunt had made for me. It was one of my favorite gifts I received!!