Needing some advice


My husband (Joseph) and I have waited to tell anybody about our pregnancy because there are people on both sides that are less than supportive (his older brother and my mom) and we just recently went through a miscarriage at the end of last year. Well we finally set up our first doctors appointment and we needed to leave our three kids at his parents house where his brother and wife and their three kids live too. They are the closest family we have and with us just moving to our new house we haven’t had a chance to make friends here yet. Anyway when we called Joseph’s mom to ask if she was available to watch our kids because we were pregnant and had a doctors appointment she was more than willing and our sister in law was happy to help too. But then Joseph’s brother calls and basically starts asking him why he had lied to him weeks ago about me being pregnant. Like…what?!?? ***A little bit of backstory—A couple weeks ago..maybe a month ago now…IDK. I wasn’t feeling very well and his brother made a joke about me being pregnant and Joseph denied it because we weren’t ready to tell anybody yet.***

Anyway my husbands really upset at him and is really regretting having to ask for help and tell his family about our pregnancy because it’s always something like this with his brother and I don’t know what to do. I’m trying to be supportive but I really just want to be excited about my pregnancy and feel supported with an excited husband and he hasn’t been able to express that excitement with me because of this dread over him about us possibly miscarrying again and the drama that his brother conjures up out of the blue.

Any advice???