Baby Weaning & Formula


Hi All-I’m hoping for some guidance with my LG.She is just approaching 5 months(Friday) & we started her on solids just over a week ago.I’m mainly concerned about formula while feeding-I guess I’m curious as to how other mothers gauge that their little one still gets enough formula when they start solids?I can’t help but feel she is missing out on her formula but I also understand that she can only take so much & obviously while eating solids now that she will not be taking as much formula.She still has her morning bottle & naps shortly after,when she wakes she will have rusks made with formula & have the remaining formula as her drink.Lunch/diner is usually a veg/sweet potato purée which she has with apple juice,she will have another bottle about half hour after lunch & then will have custard or bedtime banana with a bottle for bedtime.She goes down anywhere from 7-8 & I still dreamfeed her about 11/12.She wakes once during the night for a feed usually between 4-5:30 & starts her day about 7/8.I should add she was early & quite small(37 weeks & 5lb 10oz).She had dropped slightly in her weight which was a concern but we managed to get her back on track.She’s also teething & has broke through her first tooth.Any input is appreciated.