Is this bad/inappropriate

So I have this teacher, I’ve had him for years. The lessons are private so it’s just one on one and as such we’ve had a lot of personal conversations (without getting wild just like personal struggles n such). In the last year or so I’ve kinda come back out and started talking more again (for a bit I was shut down due to stressful situations), and he told me if I ever wanted to talk I could just as. Right now I’m on break and I’ve found myself while on this break really wanting to talk to him again. These thoughts feel the slightest bit obsessive I mean it’s almost every day. Wondering how he’s doing if he’s made anymore progress on his own self work there’s a part of me that really wants to know and also really wants to open up about things that have been on my mind. I don’t really talk to anyone about the deeper darker shit that’s been bugging me, and I’ve not had a therapist to speak to since I’m in the middle of trying to find a specific specialist. There’s a part of me that reasons it out as just wanting someone that I could talk to that I feel like really understands what I’m saying as well as that I no longer have an outlet that this is happening but even if this is the case it feels wrong because what am I to do about it? Even if it feels like the intentions aren’t bad there’s a part of me that’s afraid that it’s wrong to be thinking this way. I don’t want to keep over sharing and dumping shit on him that’s not fair. And he’s married and even though that’s no where near my intentions I don’t want it to seem like I’m attempting to interfere. Also he’s my teacher, I just don’t want to cross any lines or boundaries I’m so scared that having/following these feelings will lead me to unknowingly doing something wrong if im not already. Is this wrong of me to be thinking or feeling this way?