Family doesn’t know


I am 20 weeks and we haven’t announced baby #3 yet to my husbands side. We are waiting till 4th of July to announce when we set off fireworks that are blue and smoke bombs. We haven’t told his family due to a family blow out at his grandma funeral. Where I became the person that was blamed for random stuff. Examples: we moved across country 2 years prior due to my mental healthy and being around his family. So it’s my fault they don’t see my kids as much. Prior we lived 4 hours away from them and only saw my kids when I drove down every other weekend due to my husband travel schedule for work.

I was only 3-4 weeks when we went out. So we didn’t say anything. After the argument we left and flew home that night. My husband still hasn’t talked to one of his siblings and has very little communication with his dad and brother. He went off on them for harassing me through the 9 years we have been together. It was his decision if we announced to them and when we do since I don’t have any contact with anyone but his mom.

Is it wrong I’m a little nervous since we’re about a month away. And yes I know death brings out the worst my parents are pastors so I’ve been to hundred of funerals and see family blow outs. It’s different when you are the one being blamed for random stuff.