
I live with my abuser and I want to get out. I can go to a domestic violence shelter or I can keep the small place we have for my daughter and I. He is going to help pay rent and watch my daughter while I work. It sounds reasonable but I feel like I can no longer be around my abuser he has made me grow hatred feelings to him I can’t stand to see him laugh or smile or be a dad to our daughter when he can’t even respect the mother. He is both verbally and physically abusive. I just want to get away from him so I don’t have to rely on any of his money besides support for his daughter. The place we have my abuser found and he’s the one who talks to the land lord it is a converted garage. The landlord has already heard us argue and I’m just embarrassed to be in the yard and act like we are the best neighbors. Today I wanted to use the car to go see my mom he didn’t let me and said he was not going to help me with anything else (I have it recorded). Minutes after I mentioned going to a shelter he suddenly offered me in a nice tone to take the car. I refused becuz I wanted him to leave and I don’t want him to think it’s acceptable to act like he didn’t make a scene for no reason just to control me. I really don’t want to be around him and if I stay here he has access to the gate the house everything basically. I kind of don’t even want to live here becuz the landlord is male and I feel that he also knows about our problems as well. I really don’t know what to do. My mom says to just stay in the place we have but I don’t want him around I want a fresh start.