nervous for first appointment


I just had my pregnancy confirmed this morning during my yearly wellness exam with my gynecologist. it was just a urine test, since i’m only 4 weeks and 1 day (ish) and i’m considered low risk since i’m relatively young and healthy.

my first ultrasound and OB appointment is on the 20th (at 5 wks 6 days) and i’m SO nervous. everything is so up in the air until i see the little bean on that screen. even my husband is struggling to grasp the fact that i’m pregnant since we can’t actually SEE anything yet. i don’t know, i think i’m just anxious for no reason lol

did anyone else feel this way during the wait between a BFP and their ultrasound? i know i’m very lucky to be able to get one so early (and i’m still not really sure why they’re doing it so early lol) and others have to wait much longer. i just feel alone in this fear.