8 week emotional ultrasound 🥹

🎀GirlMom 01/2023🎀

Baby girl has definitely gotten bigger since our 6 week appt. She has a strong heartbeat of 168bpm and she’s measuring 8w1d. Dad films our appointments for our upcoming YouTube page and at this appt she decided to start wiggling😍. But as soon as the nurse was like “look she’s wiggling” of course she decided to stop wiggling/dancing. Nurse said baby girl spine looks good and she’s perfect.

I did gift the staff Starbucks gift card just our way of saying “Thank You” because they never made me feel like a number and have always been patient. Of course I got a little emotional (but in a good way.)

I will graduate from my RE next week and it’s will be a bittersweet moment 🥹

Sn: I did <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>/PGT-A testing that’s how we know the gender so early 💕