losing weight with thyroid problems


Im not 100% sure that i have hypothyroid because my doctor made me wait a few weeks before i could get blood tests done but i’m pretty sure I have it.

one big sign which i think i have it is because I cannot seem to lose weight even with exercise, change of diet and cutting sugars out of my diet in fact i think i’m gaining more weight 🙃 thyroid problems run in my moms side of the family so i think i go it *sigh*

anyways did any of you ladies go thru this ? was it easy to lose weight after being treated for thyroid imbalance or did it still take some time.

i was hoping to be more in shape by this summer since i started my diet/exercising journey in October but no luck sadly so now i’m hoping i get to be in better shape by Jan 2023 🤞🏽