She keeps doing drive bys

I don’t know if I need advice, insight or just to vent. My ex’s new gf keeps driving by my house, slowing down to look and then continuing to drive off. She even turned around in my driveway yesterday. I smoke cigarettes so I’m out on my front porch maybe 5-6 times a day and I’ve seen her do these drive bys 3 times in the last 4 days, and I wonder how many I haven’t seen. Why the hell is she doing this? Does she think I don’t know what her and her car look like? Please someone help me out here. What could possibly be going through her mind? We have 2 kids together and my ex is here sometimes to pick them up, but she’s never come by when he’s been here. Or not that I know of.

@moe: yes!! It seems insane. The only thing I can think of is she’s suspicious of him cheating and is checking if his car is here?? It’s very likely he is cheating hahahah but I can guarantee it’s not with me. I’m afraid to wake up and have my tires slashed or some crazy shit like that.