Do my kids NEED a relationship with their dad?

The father of my kids is my ex abuser. They were young when they witnessed the abuse he put me through. Long story short, eventually he ended up cheating on me and getting with another woman and he completely abandoned his kids. After a traumatic event, he has relapsed on drugs There was speculations that he and the girl he’s seeing now were using drugs together, he was also using drugs before I met him, and a heavy alcoholic when I was with him. Never around me or the kids. so as their mother and only protector, I chose to not have him involved in their lives as a caretaker unless he had gotten some sort of drug test to prove that he was no longer using when he said he was not. My daughter even claims to have seen him pass out from drug use and that is when I said enough and have not left them in his care since finding out. He would always promise to take a test, but he never has. To this day I am still unsure about whether or not he is still actively using drugs, signs are pointing to yes. he has not consistently cared for the kids and pops in and out of their lives, I am not sure about that part. Ive moved away from his chaos, but I am really stuck on whether I should keep him around in their lives or I should just go to court and get full custody of them and not have them be in the equation at all. I know the inconsistency is going to affect them in the long run because when he is not around, my oldest cries for him at night, keeping her awake now. I fear the rights he has to them with 50/50 custody, because he is not clean if drug use/alcohol. They are 3 and 4. Please advise and thank you!